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Celf Colloquia, 2005-2006
Colloquia take place Wednesdays at noon in Haines Hall 352 unless otherwise noted.
Lunch will be served.
FALL 2005
October 5, 2005 CELF Meeting
October 12, 2005

Barbara H. Fiese, Psychology (Syracuse University)

October 19, 2005

CELF Meeting
Belinda Campos, Psychology (CELF Postdoctoral Scholar)

October 26, 2005

David Tolin, Psychiatry, The Institute of Living (University of Connecticut School of Medicine)

November 2, 2005

CELF Meeting
Margaret Beck, Archaeology (CELF Postdoctoral Scholar)

November 9, 2005

Michael Schiffer, Anthropology (University of Arizona)

December 7, 2005

CELF Meeting

January 11, 2005

CELF Meeting

January 13, 2006

Annette Lareau, Sociology (University of Maryland)
Co-sponsored by Sociology of Family Working Group and the Sociology of Gender Working Group

January 25, 2006

Lynne Casper (University of Southern California)
Co-sponsored by the California Center for Population Research

January 25, 2006

Lynne Casper (University of Southern California)
Co-sponsored by the California Center for Population Research

February 1, 2006

CELF Meeting
Leah Wingard, Job Talk

February 8, 2006

Alan Swedlund, Anthropology (University of Massachusetts)

February 15, 2006

CELF Meeting
Mara Buchbinder, Anthony Graesch, Margaret Beck

February 22, 2006

CELF Meeting
Maricela Correa, Education (AERA Postdoctoral Fellow)

March 1, 2006

CELF Meeting
Mara Buchbinder, Merav Shohet

March 8, 2006

CELF Meeting
Elinor Ochs and Merav Shohet

March 15, 2006

CELF Meeting
Tami Kremer-Sadlik and Marilena Fatigante

April 5, 2006

CELF Meeting

April 12, 2006

Liz Stokoe, Social Psychology (Loughborough University)

April 21, 2006

Dacher Keltner, Psychology (UC Berkeley)
Jay Belsky, Institute for the Study of Children, Families and Social Issues (Birbeck College)
Mark Cummings, Psychology (University of Notre Dame)

April 26, 2006

CELF Meeting

May 10, 2006

CELF Meeting

May 24, 2006

CELF Meeting

May 31, 2006

Peter Whybrow, Psychiatry (UCLA Medical Center)

June 7, 2006

CELF Meeting